Expectations Telenor
What do I get from Telenor?
Telenor employees who end and are notified of the pension scheme receive a paid-up policy for the time they have been a member. The rate policy is calculated in the same way as the standard retirement pension, but with a (linear fraction) shortening of the number of days membership versus the number of days until the age of 67. Information about this freight policy is sent annually, in the form of a statement of accounts, either per. Digipost or regular mail. The travel policy will initially be paid from 67 years and as long as you live. However, it is also possible (if the capital is large enough) to start so-called flexible withdrawals, already from 62 years.
For employees in Telenor who remain in the scheme until the retirement age, the pension will be the sum of pension from NAV (possibly including AFP), paid-up policy from other pension plans and any entitlements from the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund or other public pension funds. The pension assignments are updated and sent out per. Digipost or regular mail once a year.